Was running short of cash the other day and so I stopped at the bank to use the ATM. There was no one in line and only one person at the machine… well actually two people, a woman and a child about 6 years old. So I expected it to be quick. What I didn’t know was that she was using this as a “learning experience” for her son.
As I waited… and waited… the conversation went like this.
Mom: “No sweetie, not that button. This button.”
Son: “Why”
Mom: “Because we want to put this money in the bank. That’s what deposit means.”
Son: “Okay.”
Mom: “Now press the buttons to put in the amount. This amount. Here, on the cheque.”
{beep} {beep} {beep} …
Mom: “Okay, now press the Okay button. No, not that one…”
{beep} {beep} …
Mom: “Oops, that’s not right. Press the Cancel button… Here… Okay. Now we want to make a deposit, right?…”
And so it went for about 10 minutes as the line-up to use the cash machine grew longer, and longer, and the temperature in the small enclosed space rose considerably.
Finally, totally ignorant of the inconvenience caused to others, they finish and as they leave mom says to the boy, “There now, wasn’t that easy?”.