Friday, November 14, 2008

Selling the CN Tower?

While Flim-Flam Flaherty insists the CN Tower is not for sale, or maybe is for sale, I have to ask the question: Why do we taxpayers own it in the first place?

But since we do own it, I have a modest proposal for Harper and Co. Why not hang all the portraits originally destined for the National Portrait Gallery on the Tower to be viewed while going up and down in the glass elevators? That way you solve the National Portrait Gallery problem, give Toronto some federal goodies, and turn the CN Tower into something more useful than an aging phallic symbol.


Anonymous said...

Good idea to have portraits hung up to be viewed while going up and down in the elevator. Imagine, if we place those portraits in just the right order, we could end up with a gigantic cartoon strip hanging there and people would end up watching a movie while they went up or down. We could then increase the already astronomical price being charged to use the elevator. Crazy you say. Not any crazier than the Dum Dum in the government who bought the damn thing!

Canajun said...

Moving pictures - even better!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea it was a crown asset. I would have assumed a CN asset, but then perhaps CN is in large part government owned? I don't know.

Canajun said...

I assume that's the connection, but then I don't really know for sure either.