Monday, April 27, 2009


The tall pines bow in obeisance to the force of the wind. Other weaker specimens simply lift from the ground, roots and all, or snap under the strain. The roar of air passing through branches at 80 kilometres per hour competes with the sounds of the cracking and crashing of trees and branches. Being in the woods is dangerous.

Trees uprootedOn the lake, usually placid, white caps froth and churn, racing the wind to the distant shore. Boaters stay off the water until the storm passes.

The flame blown out, the hamburgers are still raw on the barbecue.

Tomorrow the cleanup begins.


penlan said...

That was a terribly frightening storm. I was travelling at the time & after the worst had gone by continued on home. I was between Kitchener & Cambridge & the no. of uprooted trees, split ones, downed ones, as well as signs among many other things was awful to see.

Good luck with the cleanup. I don't envy you.

Canajun said...



It was pretty nasty all right. We only lost a couple of trees, but others were much worse off.

This has been a bad winter for wind storms up here.