Sunday, September 14, 2008

"I've got a crush on Harper"

Don't click the link until you've had at least 2 or 3 cups of coffee. And make sure the Maalox is handy.


penlan said...

Ewwwww - I couldn't even get past the 1st min. of that stupidity.

Glad my stomach wasn't too full or I would have ruined my laptop. ;)

penlan said...

Ewwwww - I couldn't even get past the 1st min. of that stupidity.

Glad my stomach wasn't too full or I would have ruined my laptop. ;)

Skinny Dipper said...

Wow! Now, I think I have a crush on Harper. He's still not getting my vote.

A Eliz. said...

He does not turn women on at all.Obama is far different and Harper can't even oompete..yuk

Anonymous said...

Harper is Canada's "Mr. Blue Eyes". He also has that conservative/businessman sexiness about him. Looks like he can take control of any situation.

Love the song!

Geekwad said...

I recently re-watched "Dr Who 095 4W - The Sunmakers". As soon as I saw the arch villain, I was viscerally reminded of PMSH. The feeling only grew stronger. How can people not be horrified by that creepy mask of a face?

RuralSandi said...

Ah, remember it's play acting folks for a "comedy".

You think the folks in the arts like Harper? Na.